
GZA provided environmental engineering at this former industrial site to remediate high levels of soil vapor caused by chlorinated solvents released to the subsurface from industrial leaching pools and other operations. The owner’s drive to begin business operations as an auto dealership center concurrent with demolition and other redevelopment activities at the site added urgency and complexity to the project.


While previous remedial activities designed by others had addressed the source of the chlorinated solvents, high levels of chlorinated solvent vapors remained at the site, resulting in the potential for vapor intrusion to on-site buildings and migration off-site. GZA designed and installed a soil vapor extraction system along the site’s perimeter to mitigate off-site migration of soil vapor. GZA’s remedial solution for groundwater contamination involves monitored natural attenuation and residual soil contamination is managed by a protective cover system. To allow the new owner to begin using the site as quickly as possible, GZA submitted and received approval for an Interim Remedial Measure plan to remove and abandon industrial leaching pools and former septic systems on site early in the project, while demolition and other activities were also taking place; this required additional project planning and sequencing.


Well-versed in the requirements of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Brownfield Cleanup Program, GZA moved expeditiously to gain approval for interim measures allowing the client to commence business operations at the site, while designing a comprehensive remedial solution to meet the regulatory agency’s rigorous, site-wide requirements for remediation of chlorinated solvents in soil vapor, groundwater, and soil.