
With limited internal resources to plan, manage, and execute an asset decommissioning and demolition program at active manufacturing sites in multiple Mid-Atlantic states, an industrial client requested GZA’s Construction Management (CM) assistance. Working safely without interruption to ongoing operations was paramount.


GZA’s construction management professionals exercised a variety of project delivery systems depending on the client’s needs at each site. For various projects, GZA performed CM services as either “at Risk” or “as Agent” for the client. GZA collaborated with the client to plan, bid, sequence, and execute every phase of the decommissioning and demolitions, which included 110-foot-tall silos and sand elevators, multiple interconnected buildings, large above-ground storage tanks, rail-sidings, pits, elevators, boilers, and a large industrial furnace. GZA’s pre-demolition Regulated Materials Assessment (RMA) included evaluation and sampling for asbestos-containing material (ACM), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), and lead paint.

The performance-based technical specifications developed by GZA were used to obtain competitive bids from pre-qualified demolition contractors. GZA helped the client select demolition contractors and develop detailed sequencing plans to address hazardous materials abatement, demolition of site structures, utility disconnects, and site work as needed at each site.


GZA’s comprehensive in-house Construction Management capabilities functioned as an extension of the individual plant manager’s staff which allowed the client to remove surplus assets from multiple manufacturing sites safely and on budget while maintaining profitable, active plant operations. Our team’s familiarity with the client’s needs and site operations facilitated smooth and steady progress to meet client objectives. GZA’s construction management and construction oversight – including effective sequencing and logistics planning – prevented costly change orders.