
The Luther’s Reservoir Dam and Pumping Station are critical to the water supply system for the City of Attleboro. When the dam was deemed to be in poor condition and the pumping station found to be in need of modernization, GZA was retained to provide comprehensive dam safety and water supply engineering services to rehabilitate the dam, pumping station, and related elements.


GZA designed, permitted, and oversaw construction of the rehabilitation of the Luther’s Reservoir Dam including hydrologic and hydraulic assessment and modeling; design of repairs to the embankment, spillway, crest/bascule and sluice gates, an access footbridge, and dike; preparation of multiple permit applications; and construction observation. GZA’s design and complete replacement of the existing bascule gate at the primary spillway provides the Attleboro Water Department with vastly improved control over water levels during normal operation as well as during floods. Simultaneous with the dam repair project, GZA also designed and oversaw the complete rehabilitation of the associated water supply pumping station, from new wiring to a new roof, new variable frequency drive pumping units and motors, and installation of an auxiliary generator.


GZA provided a full range of dam and water supply engineering and permitting services to address deficiencies and identify opportunities for improvements at the Luther’s Reservoir Dam and pumping station, rehabilitating and repairing myriad elements of the system to reliably and safely serve the City of Attleboro’s water needs well into the future.