This former MGP Site is located in a historic, seasonal resort community adjacent to a tidally-influenced wetlands. The utility company was under a consent order to complete the remediation.


To protect the vibrant tourism economy of this residential/commercial ocean-side community, remedial construction was allowed only in the off-season. Obtaining access agreements with multiple residents, the City, and other public and commercial entities had to be negotiated along with land purchases and Historical Committee approval before remediation could commence.


Providing At-Risk Construction Management services, GZA sequenced the remediation to develop bid documents, complete permit applications and assist the Utility with land access/purchase negotiations during the tourist season. GZA coordinated with the Utility client to fast-track the demolition once properties were purchased while additional plans were developed to stabilize the foundations of the residential homes that were to remain. Demolition and soil remedial construction proceeded following the Labor Day holiday. GZA completed the demolition of two structures, stabilized the foundation of eight others, excavated and disposed 10,000 tons of soil impacted by MGP constituents, restored private properties to pre-existing conditions, and revegetated Utility-owned properties.


GZA worked adroitly within the seasonal scheduling constraints, successfully completing the remediation to the satisfaction of the client and varied stakeholders—including homeowners whose yards were restored—and meeting the regulatory requirements and deadlines.